Behind the gifts, food, decorations, music, and gatherings, there can also be weariness and even emptiness for many as one year ends and another looms.

However, there is something about Christmas that draws those who are listening to more, which tinsels and baubles won’t provide it.
We long for it; we want it but struggle to take hold of it.
What is this peace and goodwill to all men, and what does it mean?
I was reminded of a devout man of faith with God’s spirit in him who was drawn to the Temple after Jesus’ birth to meet the Saviour God had promised to his people.

I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people, Israel!” (Luke 22:28-32)
He saw this peace with God, and so have we, but we must continue to watch and wait patiently for his return. The story is told in the gospel according to Luke.
Is God’s promise of a saviour still drawing us to him at Christmas in 2024?
Like Simeon, we have glimpsed God’s salvation and light of revelation in Christ. The gift has been given, and we can trust the one who gave it.
Now that the mystery has been revealed, let its promise continue to draw us to him as we prepare to receive it, not just at Christmas but every day.