The Oamaru Baptist Church has always been intensely and enthusiastically missionary, contributing regularly and sacrificially to mission work overseas.
Two of its early members, the Rev. Robert Elder and Mrs Elder (nee Miss Effie Hay) rendered conspicuous and gallant missionary work in Argentina for many years. Mr Elder was recommended most enthusiastically to the Baptist Union during the ministry of the Rev. Arthur Dewdney.
Other Missionaries sponsored by the Church are Miss Raema Lowe (Nepal); Cleve and Dorothy Irvine (Haiti); Cuthbert and Elizabeth Taylor (Papua-New Guinea); Russell and Pam Kerr (World Vision Service in Philippines, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia); Robyn Couper (Haiti); Don Ross (Venezuela); Dr Leslie Bond (Bangladesh).
While paying tribute to the noble work and witness of our missionaries, and while thanking our Blessed Lord for the honour and privilege of sharing in the work of advancing His Kingdom among men and women in this land and overseas, it is with sincere gratitude that we record the faithful service of the members of our B.W.M.U.
The earliest records of the B.W.M.U. in Oamaru are in May 1926, when there were 29 members. The president was Mrs Adam Clark, and the secretary was Miss M. Milligan. Since that time, the women of the Church have been strong in support of Baptist Missionary work.
So much so that from 1938, two groups met once a month, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. These two groups continued for over 35 years until, in 1975, they amalgamated. The evening group was known as the Shareholders, and many will remember their Annual Sale, which was one of the highlights of each year to raise funds for Mission work.
Over the years, many foods and clothing parcels have been packed, and much prayer and sacrificial giving have con tributed to assisting the missionary outreach.
Wonderful results have been accomplished following the prayers, faithfulness, and interest of the members of this Branch.
The members have been privileged to assist the Kingdom’s work and have known much joy having had a part in the great missionary task.
One of our past members, Mrs H. Dunn, was honoured by being elected National President in 1933. The present member ship is 32.
Stewart, D. H. (1983). Turning Back the Pages Oamaru Baptist Church Centenary 1883-1983 [Booklet]. Oamaru, NZ: Oamaru Baptist Church.
Image credit: Congregation in Baptist Church, Severn Street, about 1900