Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:21:51 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Local Mission – Central Otago Initiatives Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:17:14 +0000 I am sharing this video on the mission work in Central Otago, which we can support through our prayers initially and many more as the Lord guides us.

For over 150 years, there has been a Baptist presence throughout our region, and God has been incredibly faithful through that time, Rachel Murray says in the video.

Our purpose as an association of churches is to grow the Kingdom of God, to strengthen the churches, and to cultivate mutual support and cooperation among them.

So we take that seriously and, as you know, have agreed together with a renewed vision to consider a new ministry possibility in the Queenstown area.

Rachel Murray, Regional leader, osba

Watch the full video and learn more about the mission initiatives in Central Otago.

I can see the Central Otago Initiatives as a local mission with implications for overseas missions.

Queenstown and the surrounding places are a melting pot of international people working and visiting tourist places.

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140th Founding Anniversary Sunday, Guest Speaker, Fellowship Lunch, Giving Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:15:44 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 20 AUGUST 2023
baptist newsletter oamaru

140th Founding Anniversary Celebrations Reflections

Therefore, since such a great cloud of witnesses surrounds us, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2

During my interview with the Oamaru Mail last 14 August, I shared the following thoughts:

  • The 23 pioneering members of Oamaru Baptist Church had no idea how many years the church would outlive them. Neither do we many, many years from now.

  • Today, we say the same founding values OBC members discussed during its Centennial celebration in 1983.

    Today we thank God for those early pioneer members who, with indomitable couragesteadfast faith and sanctified vision, established the Baptist Cause in this town. We bless our God for every remembrance of them. Their faith and their hopes we share as a glorious heritage. God grant that we prove worthy of the trust they have left us.

  • Oamaru Baptist Church must plan and implement programs that teach, train, and track the founding values of every member (dynamic discipleship).
    • steadfast faith,
    • indomitable courage,
    • noble vision,
    • hope, and
    • generosity
We had a photography session after the worship service on 6 August 2023.
Thanks to Ray and Michael, who facilitated the photo session.
Please note that we have a few people who couldn’t come.

Rachel Murray is our Foundation Sunday speaker

Rachel Murray

Our Otago Southland Baptist Association Regional Leader, Rachel Murray, will give the message on 20 August.

Let us pray for safe travels, good health, and protection as Rachel drives from Dunedin to Oamaru on Sunday.

Fellowship Lunch on 20 August Sunday

Please join the fellowship lunch after our worship service to commemorate our 140th Founding Anniversary and celebrate birthdays and achievements this August. Bring a dish to share.

Please click the button below to watch and read our national and regional leaders’ messages.

Get hold of this week’s Oamaru Mail edition

Ensure to get a copy of this week’s Oamaru Mail (18 August edition) and read about the feature article on OBC’s 140th year. Our half-page ad is coming out, too.


Thank you for your continued support for the ministries the Lord God has entrusted us with. Your generosity means a lot for the development and progress of His work.

If you want to set up an automatic payment for regular giving or make a one-off donation via Internet banking, the Oamaru Baptist Church account number is (ANZ) 06-0941-0015036-00.

May the Lord God bless you and keep you.

Give a Little Appeal for Meena

Chandra requested I share this Fundraiser to help with Meena Kumari’s medical treatment bills while hospitalised in New Zealand. Please read more by clicking on this link – Let’s Gift Meena a Helpful Goodbye.

Thank you!

baptist church oamaru

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