Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Wed, 11 Sep 2024 00:16:17 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Fearfully and Wonderfully, Ladies Tea, New Prayer Schedule, September Activities Wed, 04 Sep 2024 22:54:07 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 8 September 2024
baptist church oamaru

King David declares his praise in Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Can we also declare David’s Psalm 139:14 praise for the church as also “fearfully and wonderfully made”?

Vaughn, my colleague in Timaru, shared a 1928 Substack entry by Jeff Haines about “Andrew Johnston, the Blind Evangelist“, which begins with a narrative about the evangelistic campaign at the Oamaru Baptist Church in March 1928.

Rev. A. Clarke, the OBC pastor, detailed Andrew’s ministry. The morning communion service and evening service were well attended, with the evening service being packed to the doors.

Please read more by clicking the link below. Thank you!

Ladies’ High Afternoon Tea

Ladies are welcome to join the high afternoon tea at Oamaru Baptist Church Tea Hall on Saturday, September 28, 2024, starting at 2:45 PM.

There will be an opportunity to share encouraging thoughts, short stories, and poems.

Thank you, Marcia and team, for facilitating this. 🙂

After some consultations, our weekly prayer meeting will continue every Thursday but at a different time. Starting 5 September Thursday, we will meet at 1:30-2:30 PM.

Take the time to join us in prayer. Corporate prayer is crucial in the church’s life, as it expresses dependence and humility before God.

James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

Do you have some prayer requests? Write them on the “Prayer Notes.”

Upon entering our building, you will find the “Prayer Notes” on the table to your left.

Submit your prayer requests in the designated box at the auditorium. We will pray for your requests during our Sunday morning service and mid-week prayer meeting.

Please note that items that are private in nature need not be written. You may approach the pastor or pray with someone you trust. Come to our prayer meeting

14 September, Saturday – Working Bee spring cleaning at the church.
29 September, Sunday – Fellowship Lunch.
Every Thursday, 7:00 to 9:00 PM – Youth Ministry

Our TEE (Tools to Equip and Empower) Session will resume on Sunday, 8 September, at 1:00 PM. May I remind the participants to answer Lesson No. 11 of the Abundant Life workbook?

Those who are interested in joining for the first time, please speak with me so I can provide you with a workbook and some orientation.

As part of our discipleship program, we are launching another training on 25-27 October 2024. This is a follow-up training that the TEE Aotearoa Team will conduct at OBC.

life of christ discipleship series

“This 6-book course is the main work of SEAN and is an integral training course for Christian workers, based on the life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew and The Acts of the Apostles.”

“The self-study lessons are written for students to do at home and then meet once a week for a group study with a study group leader to share and apply what they have learned to their lives and ministries”

baptist church a caring church

Miraculous Renewal, NZDT, Fellowship Lunch, Discipleship, Oamaru Men, OSBA News, Giving Fri, 22 Sep 2023 21:09:23 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 24 SEPTEMBER 2023
baptist newsletter oamaru

The Miraculous Renewal of Spring: A Biblical Reflection

You visit the earth and give it rain;
you make it rich and fertile.
God’s streams are full of water;
you provide grain for the people of the earth,
for you have prepared the earth in this way.
Psalm 65:9

As nature awakens from its winter slumber, we witness a divine transformation that manifests God’s glory and love.

In the Bible, we find numerous references that reflect on the miracles of spring and offer spiritual insights. 

Let us explore some biblical reflections on the miracle of spring.

It’s NZ Daylight Time tomorrow, 24 September 2023

Plus one hour to NZDT

Please don’t forget to change your clocks forward 1 hour to New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT).

A handy tip is to change your clocks the night before daylight saving starts – forward 1 hour, for example, from 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

Internet providers will set the time on your mobile phones and computer devices. So, you only need to be at OBC at 10:00 AM NZDT. 🙂

1 October Sunday Fellowship Lunch

On 1 October 2023, let us have a fellowship lunch to celebrate all our September birthdays, anniversaries, and guests. Let’s bring some food to share.

The fellowship lunch is also an opportunity to develop teamwork and friendship before, during, and after the meals.

Please feel free to help prepare the dining venue, food preparation, dishwashing, and aftercare.

“Abundant Life” Dynamic Discipleship at 1:00 PM, 24th September Sunday

On Sunday at 1:00 PM, we will discuss Lesson 7 in our “Abundant Life” study session. Jane and Arnel will be facilitating the session.

Please come with your workbook filled up and be ready to participate in our learning and sharing session. Everyone is welcome.

We are creating a multigenerational dynamic discipleship culture in our church, where the adults and children learn together.

Oamaru Men’s Breakfast

OBC men are encouraged to join the Oamaru Men’s Breakfast on 7th October at 8:30 AM at the Oamaru Salvation Army. The poster below gives more details.

oamaru baptist men


Thank you for your continued support for the ministries the Lord God has entrusted us with. Your generosity means a lot for the development and progress of His work.

If you want to set up an automatic payment for regular giving or make a one-off donation via Internet banking, the Oamaru Baptist Church account number is (ANZ) 06-0941-0015036-00.

May the Lord God bless you and keep you.

Otago & Southland Baptist Association (OSBA) Forum and AGM

OSBA Forum and AGM – Saturday, 14 October10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Invercargill Central Baptist Church (11 Deveron St, Invercargill) 

Speaker: Chris Chamberlain

Chris Chamberlain

Chris is the Regional Leader for the Upper South Island (Canterbury and North) and transitioning-out senior pastor of Oxford Terrace Baptist Church.

He’ll share some OTBC stories in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes and the church’s community service and justice ministry.

NB: Yes, 14 October is the national election day. We encourage you to vote in advance and hang out with us! It is all very doable and has been done before. 🙂

Please RSVP to Rachel by Wed 4 October 

Church Tasks Roster

The tasks roster is an opportunity for us to participate in the function and operation of our church in the areas of worship and service.

Please feel free to jot down your names on the rostering sheet on a table in the tea area.

Don’t hesitate to ask Bevan or anyone regarding any task you are interested in and if you need further information. Thank you!

Supplemental Readings

Here are some links to articles for your additional reading, meditation, and prayers.

baptist church oamaru