Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Sat, 08 Jul 2023 17:46:22 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Fundraising Updates, Website Management, Fellowship Meals, Meeting Roundup Sat, 08 Jul 2023 08:24:37 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 8 JULY 2023
baptist church oamaru nz

Thank you for your generosity! The Yumos are coming on 25 July.

Thank you for your prayers, generosity, and support for this fundraising event. It is such a blessing to see how the Holy Spirit moved the hearts of the people at OBC and in the community (Totara School, Otago Rural Support Trust, etc.).

We raised a total of $6,000 for the family. Praise the Lord.

We bought their tickets on Wednesday, 5 July. The Yumos (Joel, Ralph, Faith, and Chelsea) will leave the Philippines on 24 July and arrive in Christchurch on 25 July. Joel and the kids thank God and everyone who contributed and prayed for them.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)

The Yumo family.

Website Management Training on 15 July, 5:00 PM at OBC

We need some people to help in updating our website. Please let me know if you are interested.

No, it’s not as complicated as you might think. If you’re using email or social media, you can learn how to manage a website. I will also be teaching simple online marketing skills.

Fellowship Meals on 16 July

Let us celebrate God’s goodness for giving birthdays, anniversaries, answered prayers, and trials that strengthen our faith in God through a fellowship meal on 16 July.

Fellowship meal is also a time to get to know our churchmates, hear their faith journey, and pray for one another.

Please let us also take the chance to help one another in housekeeping. Thank you.

Weekly Reminders

  • Youth Ministry – No meetings due to the term break.
    NOTE: Please ask Tom or Bevan for more information. Thank you!
  • Prayer Meeting – Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Music Jam – Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM
    We invite our young people and anyone in our church to come and sing, play an instrument, and even just be there to listen.

Abundant Life Bible Study on 9 July, 1:30 PM at OBC

Everyone is invited to join. We need to resume the discipleship sessions we have started.

We will take up Lesson 3. Please fill in the blanks, and be ready to read, discuss, and share.

See me if you don’t have a copy of the “Abundant Life” Workbook.

Pastoral Care

Please allow me to arrange a schedule to visit you at your home, or we can meet in town.

Apart from the regular pastoral care visitation, I will be applying the faith-wisdom discovery tool.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11).

Food Cupboard and Salvation Army Food Bank

Please let us continue bringing non-perishable items to our food cupboard to help a person or family in need.

I met with Jocelyn and Paul Smith, the Salvation Army Oamaru officers, on Thursday for a catch-up.

They told me anyone struggling with food supplies could go to the Salvation Army Store and grab some bread and other available food items.

Thursday Meeting Roundup

Our Regional Leader, Rachel and I met last Thursday, and we discussed the following concerns:

  • We need to contact a plumber to resolve our plumbing issues.
  • We need to buy a new fridge/freezer. Thanks to Tom and Erin for providing a temporary solution.
  • We will be canvassing for the cost of a commercial dishwasher. We aim to install this before our 140th Foundation Anniversary on 13 August.
  • We need an updated Health and Safety Plan.
  • We need a certified Fire Evacuation Plan.

May I appeal for volunteers to help me with the items listed above?

It was a beautiful sunny day last Thursday, and below is a photo I took at… Oamaruvians know where this place is.
