Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Fri, 09 Dec 2022 22:11:11 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Let us Rejoice! Christmas Around the World, Carolling, Home Bible Studies Fri, 09 Dec 2022 21:39:00 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 10 DECEMBER 2022
baptist church oamaru nz

Let us rejoice

Can you find a reason to rejoice?
Is there any reason left to rejoice?
Things didn’t
go well as planned, and now you’re wondering
Will you stand?

Where can I find meaning to rejoice?
When lives are lost around me, can I still sing?
Will the melody soothe the longings of broken hearts?
Will I rejoice?
Still, will I rejoice?

The above lyrics are the first two paragraphs of the “I Will Rejoice” song I wrote in 2019. The first paragraph is about a cousin’s sudden death, and the second is words that came as I reflected on the tragic Christchurch mosque shootings. The song ended with the answer to “Will I rejoice?”

Praise God for His peace. Now I rejoice! Just thinking of whatever is true and pure. Whatever is lovely and admirable, I will think of great things… and… I will rejoice!

In this Advent season, many things could affect us, but let us choose to rejoice and be glad.

If there is one true, pure, lovely, and admirable to think about, it is the birth of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ and His promised return. Yes, let us rejoice!


Tomorrow, 11 December, we celebrate “Christmas Around the World”. Let us rejoice and be glad! Please come with your testimonies, songs to sing, food to share, and a joyful spirit of appreciating one another.

baptist church oamaru christmas

Christmas 2022 Activities

  • 9 December, Friday – Singing Christmas carols at the Observatory Village
  • 11 December, Sunday – Christmas Around the World Worship-Service; shared lunch;
    Guest Speaker – Rachel Murray;
  • 18 December, Sunday – Carolling at the Sandringham House Rest Home
  • 24 December, Saturday – Christmas Eve Service
  • 25 December, Sunday – Christmas Day Worship-Service

Watch out for more details!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Isaiah 9:6a

Carolling at the Observatory Village

We had an excellent time singing Christmas carols at the Observatory Village yesterday. The piano being “miles” away from the front encouraged the OBC carollers to sing their hearts out. I saw some residents singing along. Jane’s “O Holy Night” solo was amazing.

The resident and staff members were grateful for us sharing the Christmas spirit through carolling. A staff member encouraged us to come again.

Discipleship through home Bible study

We have identified a home Bible study area in the Totara-Teschemakers-Kakanui area. Home Bible studies are one of the ways we can make disciples for Christ. The Lord God is growing His church.

In town, we have one home Bible study at the moment. Let us pray for more Bible study groups and leaders in the coming months.

We thank the Lord God Almighty for bringing His people to the Baptist Church. This was last Sunday, 4 December 2022.
baptist church oamaru
Leaders Training, Bible Studies, Music Sessions, Prayer Meetings, Elephants Thu, 13 Oct 2022 17:24:26 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 14 OCTOBER 2022
baptist chiurch newsletter

Do not work for food that spoils

John 6:27 says, “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

These are strong words from Jesus to the men who followed him because they were part of the five thousand who ate the loaves and had full stomachs but failed to see the signs he performed.

OBC is planting growth and development seeds that we hope and pray will bear much fruit in God’s time. Let us labour for the Lord!

TEE Group Leaders Training 17-18 February 2023 Tentatively

In preparation for additional discipleship groups that we will organise soon, we are looking at holding a Group Leaders Training on 17-18 February 2023.

TEE, or Theological Education by Extension Aotearoa, will be conducting the training. The trainers live in Wellington.

This training is open to interested people in our church and other Christian churches in Oamaru and Timaru. Please give me some feedback regarding the schedule. – Jonan

Home Bible Studies schedule

We conduct two home Bible studies every fortnight

  1. Oamaru (26 October 2022)
  2. Makikihi (22 October 2022)

These home Bible studies fulfil our mission to go and make disciples. We plan to establish more Bible study groups and deploy our leaders to these groups.

The Apostle Peter had warned that in the last days, scoffers would come, scoffing and following their evil desires (2 Peter 3:3).

Paul also told Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1 – The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that some people will turn away from the faith in the last days. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons.

baptist church music workshops

Music workshops held

We thank those who joined our music workshops last 9 October (Listening Workshop) and 12 October (Guitars and Drums).

The jamming last Wednesday was a good start. Guys, we need to do it again, agree?

The listening workshop is crucial to learning how to play and sing a particular song. I will conduct the listening workshop again at 1:00 PM on Sunday, 16 October. Please join us.

We need to organise the Children’s Sunday School and Youth Group.

Lord God, thank you to our children who give us a glimpse of the future of our families and the church. We pray for Sunday school and youth group leaders who will help nurture our children in the Godly way they should go.

Thank you, Lord God, for bringing more people to OBC

Yes, we had record attendance last Sunday. I pray and believe the Lord God will bring more people in the days ahead.

Let us always be ready to welcome them. Take the time to talk and get to know God’s people.

They have sought to worship and fellowship with us. Let us offer the belongingness they are seeking from God’s people.

You might wonder what’s with the image of an elephant dancing in our yard.

It is the “elephant” we had let loose from our “room”. As God’s faith community, let us be open and loving with one another and address any “elephants” that might be lurking inside God’s sanctuary.


  • Prayer Meeting @ OBC on Wednesday, 3:00 to 4:00 PM. To send in your prayer requests, click on this link →

  • Please take the time to look at our Rostering Sheet, and feel free to jot down your name on any vacant slot. Your participation is much appreciated.

  • Read some details of our working bee last 8 October – Thankful for Another Successful Working Bee!

  • Invite your friends to come and join our church to worship and serve the Living Almighty God. We are a welcoming and friendly church.