Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Fri, 31 Jan 2025 21:54:23 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 When You Are Faithful, the Lord Looks After You Fri, 31 Jan 2025 21:54:09 +0000 ALEC CLARKE’S TESTIMONY
oamaru baptist testimony faith

Looking back on my life before becoming a Christian, the Lord must have had his hand on me. Not long after I came to live in New Zealand, I rolled a ute on a grand road, just missing a concrete power pole, and I was unhurt. Another time, I was inches away from rolling a tractor down a steep bank.

When growing up, I had very little contact with Christians. I attended Sunday school for a short while, but there were much better ways of spending Sunday and a period at a church school. The Lord was not a part of my life.

It was only after joining the merchant navy that I heard more about Jesus. But I did wonder, if there is only one Saviour, Jesus, why were there so many churches claiming that theirs was the way to be saved? So, I was not impressed.

I then came to live in New Zealand, got to know a very nice girl and married her. She used to go to church, and before we were married, I had a few meetings with a priest. He talked about knowing God.

I was not prepared to commit myself, only to say that I was aware that there must be a guiding point. I went to a few church services after the children were born, but I thought there was no life in them.

Catherine left the Catholic church at the Lord’s direction and started going to the Assembly of God church. About this time, I was invited to a men’s breakfast. I enjoyed the fellowship but was not ready to commit myself.

I went along to some of the services and enjoyed them very much, full of joy and alive. But I did feel I was singled out by the altar calls into something I was not ready for.

Then, on Saturday, 12 August 1987, I had a telephone call reminding me of a breakfast that morning. It was a bit late to go to it, and I had already eaten. But I felt that I had to go. I can’t remember who spoke, but when they asked if anybody wanted to accept the Lord as their Saviour, I knew that it was for me.

I went home bubbling and could not wait to tell Catherine of my decision. It felt like I was walking on air for days afterwards. It was not until later that I found out that Catherine had been praying for me for years and knew that one day, I would come to know the Lord.

What brought home to me, that God knows all about me was during an altar call a week later. There came an altar call for someone who had trouble breathing through their nose and sometimes woke gasping for air. This was something I had not told anybody about.

Well, I just sat there, but when the call repeated again and nobody else went forward, I knew it was for me. The problem was cured, and I have had very little trouble with breathing.

Since then, my walk with Jesus has been one of gradual growth. But one thing I am sure of is that when you are faithful, the Lord looks after you. Since knowing Jesus, I have been blessed in many ways.

Alec Clarke

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Growing Back Again, Welcome to Sunday School, Christmas Events, Notices Sat, 26 Nov 2022 00:35:38 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 18 NOVEMBER 2022
baptist church oamaru nz

Growing back again in Jesus Christ

We planted this Washington Orange seedling last year. When it grew well, the winter’s frost wilted its leaves and stem. We thought this plant was a goner, but we looked closely at its base and saw some solid green colour. That gave us hope that this orange plant would grow again.

Spring came, and nothing happened. Then, one warm summer day, we saw signs of regrowth. Leaves have started to come out. The orange plant is growing again.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

We are growing back again in the Lord Jesus Christ! Please read more here ➝ The Orange Plant is Growing Back Again.

Come to Sunday School and bring someone with you.

We welcome the revival of our Sunday school. We welcome our Sunday schoolers.

I am sure that the revival of our Sunday school brings many memories. We are happy to see the next generation growing in their knowledge and faith in God and His Word, the Bible.

We will pray for our team during the worship service on Sunday and commit to supporting the team and the program.


christmas around the world 2022

Celebrating Christmas Around the World allows us to share Christmas memories in our native countries.

We share through testimonies, Christmas carols in our native language, and Bible readings in different languages.

Our Regional Leader, Rachel Murray, will give the message. We will have a shared lunch, preferably food we customarily have on Christmas.


Carolling practice after morning tea

We will have another practice after we finish our morning tea. This is for the 9 December Carolling at the Observatory Village and other venues.

We will also be singing at our neighbour, Sandringham House Rest Home. The events lady will call me on Monday to finalise the date and time.

Prayer Meeting @ OBC on Wednesday, 3:00 to 4:00 PM

It is a beautiful time to thank the Lord God for answered prayers, say intercessory prayers for those who are sick and suffering, and petition God’s will for His faithful children. Come and pray.

Please send your prayer requests through our CONTACT US form, phone number, or FB page.

Group Facilitators’ Training on 17-18 February 2023

In pursuit of our mission to follow the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, we will be holding this training on 17-18 February.

Next year, we aim to organise home group Bible studies. We need to train facilitators who will lead and facilitate these home groups. Please pray about joining the Group Facilitators’ Training.

baptist church oamaru christmas

Christmas 2022 Activities

  • 9 December, Friday – Singing Christmas carols at the Observatory Village
  • 11 December, Sunday – Christmas Around the World Worship-Service; shared lunch;
    Guest Speaker – Rachel Murray;
  • 18 December, Sunday – Carolling at the Sandringham House Rest Home
  • 24 December, Saturday – Christmas Eve Service
  • 25 December, Sunday – Christmas Day Worship-Service

Watch out for more details!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Isaiah 9:6a

baptist church oamaru