Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Thu, 18 May 2023 01:46:01 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 TEE Aotearoa Dynamic Discipleship Group Leaders’ Training Held at Oamaru Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:12:17 +0000 dynamic discipleship group

Nineteen participants joined the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Group Leaders’ Training on 31 March (7:00-9:00 PM) and 1 April (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM) at Oamaru Baptist Church.

The participants came from four church groups, Salvation Army Oamaru (7), All Nations Church of Hope (3), Waitaki Life Group (1), and Oamaru Baptist Church (8).

The TEE Aotearoa training team is thankful for the support of their respective pastors – Paul and Jocelyn Smith (Salvation Army Oamaru), Sam and Dawn Ghoorah (All Nations Church of Hope) and Andy Aguilar (Waitaki Life Group).

Thank you, Ray, for the fantastic coffee you served us and your and Cheryl’s outstanding service.

Our Next Step Commitments

  • Organise a city-wide small group programme (coordinate between the four churches that participated) – Jonan will follow up with the pastors.
  • Talk to your leadership.
  • Exchange phone numbers and emails of training participants – Jonan will follow up.
  • Pastors meet to encourage and coordinate on TEE – pastors could share ideas and pray for groups in each church. 
  • Ask the Lord what you can do to follow up on this training 
  • Invite some people to form a group.
  • Share the TEE model with your church.
  • Think outside of the box.
  • Pray for TEE to spread in Oamaru and that God will lead you to a specific person.
  • Order some books from TEE Aotearoa and move forward in faith.

    Source: Ann’s notes

Thank you, Ann and Lewis and TEE Aotearoa!

We thank Ann Borquist and Lewis Varley for offering their precious time to train us. We salute your commitment to Jesus’ Great Commission through TEE Aotearoa.

Thinking of Lewis having an early morning trip from Hamilton to Wellington, then with Ann, flying into Timaru and travelling to Oamaru on 31 March, and then the trip back makes us value dearly the training that we received from you. May God bless you and your respective families.

Acknowledgment of support

TEE Aotearoa appreciates deeply and is thankful for the following organisations and persons: Oamaru Baptist Church, Hopevale Trust, Century House Bed and Breakfast (host), Arnel and Jane Casitas (host), Brendan and Deana Grant (host), Jewel Castillon (host), Gleniti Baptist Church, and many others who prayed and helped make this event a success.


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TEE Group Leaders’ Training – Why Do We Need It Thu, 23 Mar 2023 18:37:34 +0000 The Group Leaders’ Training at Oamaru Baptist Church is a week away – 31 March (7:00 to 9:00 PM) and 1 April (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM).

Why does Oamaru Baptist Church need it?

One of the many challenges we faced in the past few years was fulfilling the growth vision that pastors and leaders had laid out in the last two decades.

The Baptist Church’s growth vision is clearly stated and elaborated in two documents, “Church Consultation and Self Study, February 2001” and “Oamaru Baptist Church a New Vision for 2008”.

Last June 2022, when I started my pastoral work with OBC, the first thing that I did was research the vision of the church.

As I delved into the church’s archives, I found the two valuable reports I mentioned above, which I am using as references in my pastoral leadership.

Conducting the Group Leaders’ Training is one of the steps in fulfilling the Baptist Church’s vision in the last 20 years. We have partnered with Theological Education by Extension Aotearoa (TEE Aotearoa) for this endeavour.

We need the Group Leaders’ Training because we want to grow.

Join us in our desire for growth. Pray about joining the Group Leaders’ Training on 31 March (7:00 to 9:00 PM) and 1 April (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM). Read the poster below for further information. Thank you!

Miracle at OBC, Why Group Leaders Training, Shared Lunch, Youth Ministry Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:54:12 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 18 MARCH 2023
baptist church oamaru nz

Miracle at OBC!

An online encyclopedia and a popular dictionary define “miracle” as an unusual or extraordinary event believed to be caused by the power of God.

So, what is the miracle at OBC that has happened, you might ask?

Well, the fact that we are still gathered as a church today is a miracle.

Not only that. From ten to 15 people a year ago, our attendance has risen to almost 60, according to our 26 February count. This is miraculous indeed!

The uncertainties in the past years caused many members to leave the church. It’s understandable.

There are several who think that Oamaru Baptist Church will cease to exist. That didn’t happen.

Yeah, we are still here at 14 Sandringham Street!

We have re-started our Children’s Ministry. Our Youth Ministry resumed, meeting on Monday nights for Bible study and fun.

Look, even our parking space attests to OBC’s growing number. It is a miracle indeed!

“Lord God in heaven, six months ago, this parking lot was barely empty; you are amazing, Lord,” Mic Esdrelon testified in his 19 February Facebook post. PHOTO CREDIT: Mic Esdrelon

Thank you, Lord God, for your faithfulness and goodness to OBC!

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

Why OBC is hosting the Group Leaders’ Training

We desire to support and sustain the re-growth that OBC is experiencing, and under our commitment to the Great Commission, we are hosting the GLT.

We envision church leaders conducting discipleship sessions with members and other learners.

We are hosting the GLT because we want to empower the church in its discipleship ministry.

We are also sharing this training opportunity with other churches that want to strengthen their discipleship programs.

baptist leadership training

Shared Lunch on 26 March Sunday

It’s Nicola’s birthday, and she wanted to share her special day with the church.

Because we love birthdays and fellowship, let us have a potluck lunch to celebrate our March birthdays.

Weekly Reminders

  • Youth Ministry – Monday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
  • Prayer Meeting – Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Music Jam – Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM


Thank you very much for your continued support for the ministries with which the Lord God has entrusted us. Your generosity means a lot for the development and progress of His work.

If you would like to set up an automatic payment for regular giving or to make a one-off donation via internet banking, the Oamaru Baptist Church account number is (ANZ) 06-0941-0015036-00.

May the Lord God bless you and keep you.

baptist church oamaru
OBC hosts Group Leaders’ Training – 31 March to 1 April 2023 Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:24:16 +0000 Oamaru Baptist Church is hosting a Group Leaders’ Training from 31 March (7:00-9:00 PM) to 1 April (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM).

This is a training on facilitating a Bible study group using the TEE resources.

registration fee of $50.00 per participant covers materials (Bible materials and leaders’ guide) and lunch.

Hopevale Trust is sponsoring the travel expenses of our resource persons.

The training is open to interested participants from other Christian churches in Oamaru and nearby towns.

Read about the resource persons from TEE Aotearoa who will come and conduct the training.

TEE Aotearoa
Ann Borquist

Ann Borquist

Rev. Dr Ann Borquist serves with Arotahi/NZBMS, TEE Aotearoa and International Ministries, ABCUSA.  

She works alongside partner Baptist conventions in Asia-Pacific and worldwide in theological education, pastoral care, holistic development, servant leadership, cross-cultural mission training, and refugee work.  

She lives with her family in Wellington. 

TEE Aotearoa
Lewis Varley

Lewis Varley

Lewis Varley is from the UK, has lived in NZ for six years, and worked as a missionary in Bangladesh for 17 years. 

He has been involved in TEE for many years and is passionate about seeing God’s people equipped for service and strengthened in their faith. 

He is a lecturer at Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies in Gordonton, Hamilton.

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Sunday School Restarts, Christmas Around the World, Reminders, Carolling Practice Fri, 18 Nov 2022 07:01:38 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 18 NOVEMBER 2022
baptist church oamaru nz

Keeping Out of the Pit of Nothingness

“Behold, for my own welfare I had great bitterness; But You have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, For You have hurled all my sins behind Your back. Isaiah 38:17

Make bitterness a season of testing, a vital ingredient towards spiritual growth and maturity. Treat it like the fog that eventually dissolves. We thank God for keeping us out of the pit of nothingness.

Sin quickly discourages us not to continue with our faith journey. The world accuses us of our unworthiness. Praise God, for He has cast away our sins behind! The Lord God has taken our souls out of the pit of nothingness. CLICK to read more.

Children’s Sunday School Restarts

Congratulations to our Children’s Sunday School Team – Erin, Jane, Cheryl, and Ray! Thank you so much for your availability.

I have asked Erin to be the team leader. Let us pray for them as they plan and implement.

Please note that in last week’s meeting, we all agreed to support them through our availability to assist as helpers and with other tasks they might need help with.

Christmas Around the World Sunday DETAILS

christmas around the world 2022

On 11 December, we will hold a Christmas Around the World Sunday. We will share how we celebrate Christmas in our native countries.

Sharing could be through a testimony, a Christmas carol in your native language, or Bible readings in different languages.

We will also have a taste of “home” during our shared lunch as we bring food that we customarily have on Christmas.

Our Regional Leader, Rachel Murray, will be our guest speaker.

church reminders


Carolling practice after the worship-service

We will have a practice after the service for the 9 December Carolling at the Observatory Village.

Prayer Meeting @ OBC on Wednesday, 3:00 to 4:00 PM

It is a beautiful time to thank the Lord God for answered prayers, say intercessory prayers for those who are sick and suffering, and petition God’s will for His faithful children. Come and pray.

Please send your prayer requests through our CONTACT US form, phone number, or FB page.

Group Facilitators’ Training on 17-18 February 2023

In pursuit of our mission to follow the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, we will be holding this training on 17-18 February.

Next year, we aim to organise home group Bible studies. We need to train facilitators who will lead and facilitate these home groups.

Please pray about joining the Group Facilitators’ Training.

baptist church oamaru christmas

Christmas 2022 Activities

  • 9 December, Friday – Singing Christmas carols at the Observatory Village
  • 11 December, Sunday – Christmas Around the World Worship-Service; shared lunch;
    Guest Speaker – Rachel Murray;
  • 18 December, Sunday – Carolling at the Sandringham House Rest Home
  • 24 December, Saturday – Christmas Eve Service
  • 25 December, Sunday – Christmas Day Worship-Service

Watch out for more details!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Isaiah 9:6a
