Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:14:38 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Drums Played, Youth Meeting, Task Roster, Faith-Wisdom, TEE, OSBA News Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:01:23 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 14 APRIL 2024
baptist newsletter oamaru

You wouldn’t have missed this incident if you had been at last Sunday’s worship service.

We were singing our closing song, “Power of Your Love”, when suddenly we heard the drums playing, accompanying the musicians in near-perfect tempo.

Asher, who will be turning three in May, picked up the drumsticks and started playing the drums. May the Lord prosper Asher’s gifts and all the other children as they grow.

One day, children were brought to Jesus, hoping he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom comprises people like these.” After laying hands on them, he left. (Matthew 19:13-15)

We thank the Lord for blessing OBC with children.

Our youth group meets every Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Please ask Tom or Bevan for more information. Invite young people you know to join.

Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea 6:3 / Photo by Mic Esdrelon

The tasks roster is an opportunity for us to participate in the function and operation of our church in the areas of worship and service. Please feel free to write your name on the rostering sheet on the table beside our tea area.

Don’t hesitate to ask Bevan, the pastor, or anyone else about the tasks you are interested in or if you need further information. Thank you!

Join the church tasks roster where the only qualification is availability.

I am recruiting people with pastoral ministry gifts to attend the orientation/training on using the Faith-Wisdom Tool. As I introduced last year, it is a simple tool that can create a profound understanding of faith and wisdom as an individual, a church, and a community.

We need this for a sustainable pastoral care ministry for OBC.

Let us resume our Bible study sessions using the Abundant Life of Christ workbook on Sunday, 21 April 2024, at 1:00 PM. Please answer Lesson 10 on your manual and be ready to share and discuss.


I receive Rachel’s Regional Leader Roundup each month, which features news, events, and training happening in the Otago and Southland Baptist Association (OSBA). Sharing the event and training below.

Regional Hui 202423-25 May (Thurs to Saturday mid-PM)
River Ridge Retreat, Catlins
Options to stay on or offsite.

This is an opportunity for pastors, elders, and ministry leaders to come together to listen to God and others, reflect, learn, dream, worship, and pray, strengthen relationships and connections, envision together for the region, have some fun, and take a couple of days off from the usual activity.

*Registrations are now open, and a separate communication has been sent with all details.

Child Protection (under 18) Training – FREE
1 May; 10am-12noon. 
Register Here

Several of our region’s people attended the first training option in February. There is still time to sign up for the second webinar, which will provide the up-to-date version of the Baptist Union Child Protection Policy, which was written in consultation with Child Matters. Once the training has been completed, you will receive the editable template policy document. Register Here

OSBA plans to conduct further training for those involved with under-18s, focused on awareness, actions, protections, etc. Watch this space.

baptist church oamaru
God Things, Abundant Life, Church Leadership, Speakers, National Hui, Giving Fri, 06 Oct 2023 21:47:27 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 8 OCTOBER 2023
baptist newsletter oamaru

God things take time

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Four years ago, I posted, “God things take time” on Facebook with the following thoughts.

Often, we are so focused on having the “good” things in life that we want them to happen according to our will and time.

As God’s children, let us not forget that our focus must be on His things (God’s things) — “His Kingdom and His righteousness,” and all the good things will follow, as Matthew 6:33 says.

“Abundant Life” Dynamic Discipleship at 1:00 PM

baptist church oamaru

We will continue with Lesson 8 in our “Abundant Life” study session at 1:00 PM on 8 October Sunday.

Please come with your workbook (Lesson 8) filled up and be ready to participate in our learning session.

OBC is building a dynamic discipleship culture. Everyone is invited to join. Let us learn about God through His word.

Baptism candidates’ meeting after the service

We will have a short meeting right after the worship service pertaining pre-Baptism meetings and Baptistm even schedules. Anyone who haven’t been Baptised (by immersion) are invited to attend the meeting.

Focusing on “church leadership” in October

We have followed the MAP Toolkit flow chart for over a year as our preaching theme. Let us focus on church leadership in October. We have some speakers lined up for this month, too.

Our October Sunday speakers are as follows:

  • 15 October – Tom Francis
  • 22 October – Michael Esdrelon
  • 29 October – Vaughn Nicolson – Elder, Wilson Street Baptist Church

I will be preaching on “Navigating the Leadership River” on 8 October Sunday.

Full Registration Recognition at the National Hui 2023

On 3 November, the Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning, which is in charge of the Baptist leaders’ registration, will recognise my full registration as a Baptist pastor.

This will be the highlight of my attending the National Hui on 2-4 November. Thank you, Lord!

I have completed two full years of provisional registration, and prior to starting my third year, Baptist NZ is granting me my full registration status.

One of the options that I wanted to add to my ministry is to have the license to solemnise marriage. This is timely considering the prospective clients we have here in church and other places. 🙂


Thank you for your continued support for the ministries the Lord God has entrusted us with. Your generosity means a lot for the development and progress of His work.

If you want to set up an automatic payment for regular giving or make a one-off donation via Internet banking, the Oamaru Baptist Church account number is (ANZ) 06-0941-0015036-00.

May the Lord God bless you and keep you.

Supplemental Readings

Sharing these links to some articles and information you need to know. Thank you.

baptist church oamaru
Spring Blossoms, OBC Membership, The Radical Ones, Baptist Whanau News Fri, 08 Sep 2023 20:49:30 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 10 SEPTEMBER 2023
baptist newsletter oamaru

Spring Blossoms

That 15°C morning last Thursday in Timaru convinced me that Spring had come. Days are warming up, the bulbs are blooming, and so are the fruiting and decorative trees.

For as the soil makes the sprout come up
    and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
    and praise spring up before all nations.

Isaiah 61:11

As people in New Zealand prepare for their spring break itinerary, may they not forget that Spring’s absolute and eternal bloom is our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.

He is our hope that never fades despite the changing seasons.

To read more, CLICK this link → The Great Blossom of Spring.

spring in Oamaru 2023

We are firming up our membership roll

This month’s theme is on church membership. We want you to be a member of OBC.

Any person who confesses faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been Baptised as a believer, who shows evidence of following Christ in the newness of life and who is willing to uphold the commitments outlined in the Members’ Pledge may apply to become a Church member.

Why formal church membership is God’s?

  1. The local church, the body of Christ, needs to know its “parts” (Romans 12:4-5) to fulfil the following overarching NZ Baptist Union vision thrusts: growing disciples, robust leadership, authentic worship, healthy resources, and effective mission.

  2. The local church needs to shepherd God’s flock under its care (1 Peter 5:2-3). Knowing the flock (members) facilitates good shepherding.

  3. The local church is exhorted to continue meeting together (Hebrews 10:25).

  4. Belongingness to the family of believers (Galatians 6:10).

Please let me know or Bevan if you are interested. Thank you!

“Abundant Life” Dynamic Discipleship at 1:00 PM

We will continue with Lesson 6 in our “Abundant Life” study session at 1:00 PM, 10 September Sunday. Please come with your workbook filled up and be ready to participate in our learning session.

OBC is building a dynamic discipleship culture. Everyone is invited to join.

Fellowship Lunch on 1st October Sunday

fellowship meal

On 1 October 2023, let us have a fellowship lunch to celebrate all our September birthdays, anniversaries, and guests.

As usual, let’s bring some food to share.

The fellowship lunch is also an opportunity to develop team work and friendship.

Highly recommended lecture – “The Radical Ones.”

baptist distinctives

What does it mean to be the church?

What could it look like to be a community of disciples who are radically committed to Jesus and one another?

Come and be inspired as we explore the Baptist vision of the church and how it might shape our lives and witness today.

The resource persons are:

  • John Tucker
    Principal, Carey Baptist College

  • Chris Chamberlain
    Regional Leader, Upper South Baptist Association

Please refer to the poster for more information. Thank you!

Otago & Southland Baptist Association (OSBA) Forum and AGM

OSBA Forum and AGM – Saturday, 14 October, 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Invercargill Central Baptist Church (11 Deveron St, Invercargill) 

Please RSVP to Rachel by Wed 4 October 

Chris Chamberlain
Chris Chamberlain

Speaker: Chris Chamberlain

Chris is the Regional Leader for the Upper South Island (Canterbury and North) and transitioning-out senior pastor of Oxford Terrace Baptist Church.

He’ll share some OTBC stories in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes and the church’s community service and justice ministry.

NB: Yes, we know that 14 October is the national election day. We encourage you to vote in advance and hang out with us! It is all very doable and has been done before. 🙂

Baptist National Hui 2023

Thursday 2 – Saturday 4 November
(optional events on 1 November)

Manukau City Baptist Church, Auckland
This annual national event is an opportunity to gather with Baptist whanau from all over the country: to network, do some business, discuss some chunky matters and be part of a wider whole.

Registrations are open through the Hui website  Registrations close on 10 October to allow for planning.

This event is for anyone from our churches not just pastors. Could you invest in more than the pastor to be present for this national hui? Can we take top billing for highest representation from a region?

Make early decisions, get flights, accommodation, cars booked early to get better prices. If you’re usually preaching, try and get someone else to do Sunday 5th and take the pressure off. Go to an Auckland church and have a new experience!

Source: The Regional Leader Roundup September 2023 by Rachel Murray

Oamaru Men’s Breakfast

OBC men are encouraged to join the Oamaru Men’s Breakfast on 7th October at 8:30 AM at the Oamaru Salvation Army. The poster below gives more details.

baptist church oamaru

Mourning into Dancing, 140th Founding Anniversary, Abundant Life, Herding, Weekly Reminders Fri, 04 Aug 2023 23:52:51 +0000 BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER 6 AUGUST 2023
baptist newsletter oamaru

Mourning into dancing

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever! ” Psalm 30:11-12 (ESV)

It has been an emotional week for Jewel and me. Dr Juanito Acanto, our beloved former President at Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, passed away last Sunday at 86.

Dr Acanto was a visionary leader, a man of faith who always sought God’s will and agenda in his life, family and work. He was like a dad to many of us. He was one of our wedding sponsors.

Jewel and I both worked with Juanito at the President’s Office. Jewel worked with Dr Acanto a few years before I worked as his assistant and later as his Executive Secretary. We saw in him a model of a successful Christian leader.

Despite the sadness of losing someone dear to us, we thank the Lord for His eternal gift of life. Indeed, he has turned our mourning into dancing, clothe us with gladness. Thank you, Lord!

140th Founding Anniversary Preparations

Oamaru Baptist Church will be 140 years old on 13 August 2023. We will commemorate this on two Sundays.

  • 13 August – Foundation Day Sunday – Speaker: Malcolm Lucas
  • 20 August – 140th Anniversary Celebration Sunday – Speaker: Rachel Murray

Abundant Life Bible Study on 6 August, 1:30 PM at OBC


We will take up Lesson 4 in the Abundant Life workbook.

Please work on the questions, and be ready to read, discuss, and share. I will be leading the session on Sunday.

We encourage everyone to join and learn more about the Word of God. The session provides the opportunity to know one another more.

See me if you don’t have a copy of the “Abundant Life” Workbook.

Herding this past week

This section covers the activities that I have done in the past week, meetings, coordination, and some items I haven’t shared previously.

It was fair weather driving to Oamaru last Thursday. A farmer’s farm waste burning made the horizon look interesting. Some of the pastoral matters I attended this week.

  • I attended the Gleniti Baptist Church Combined Leaders’ meeting on Monday at 7:00 PM. I gave updates about the OBC ministry.

  • I set a visit by the Laser Electrical person to inspect the possible location of the commercial dishwasher we are planning to buy, plumbing, and electrical installations on Thursday, 10:00 AM.

  • I wrote the Oamaru Mail requesting a news article about our 140th Founding Anniversary celebrations. Let’s pray for a positive response.

  • I attended the Oamaru Ministers’ Meeting at Weston Church. Eleven ministers were present, and I met Fredy Permentilla, the Filipino Catholic priest, for the first time.

  • After the Oamaru Ministers’ lunch, I left earlier than the others because I went to Kakanui, at Ray’s place, to have a brief on Photography Sunday. Of course, the visit isn’t complete without having the best coffee in Kakanui.

Oamaru Men’s Breakfast on 12 August, 8:00 AM

OBC men are invited to attend the Oamaru Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, 12 August, at 8:00 AM at the Phoenix Complex.

Please register ASAP. Read the poster for more details.

If you are interested in attending but find the $20 a bit high, please contact Sam. The group has some who can partially help sponsor. The organisers don’t want men to miss out.

Weekly Reminders

  • Youth Ministry – Monday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
    NOTE: Please ask Tom or Bevan for more information. Thank you!
  • Prayer Meeting – Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
  • Music Jam – Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM
baptist church oamaru