Happy 2025! Please take the time to read a couple of inspirational posts that Mary and Marcia authored, respectively.
A Prayer for the New Year
Heavenly Father, thank you for extending my days so that I could be here today with these others who love you and reverence your Holy name. We welcome this New Year not knowing what lies ahead, but you know. ➔ CLICK TO READ MORE
Who Am I?
Who am I…? Who am I to give Hope to people affected by cancer? When I can barely manage the common cold? Or a bruise on my shin?
Important 1st Quarter 2025 Organisational Plans
We thank our Lord God Almighty for re-growing BC in the past two-plus years. As we move towards reorganising in the first quarter of 2025, let us take note of the following:

- Install new members on 19 January 2025. Please approach Bevan or Jonan if you wish to become a member. Any person who confesses faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been Baptised (by immersion) as a believer, who shows evidence of following Christ in the newness of life and who is willing to uphold the commitments as outlined in the Members’ Pledge may apply to become a Church member.
- Please think and pray about two or three members we will nominate to the Eldership between now and mid-February 2025. We will publish more details about this.
- We are looking at reframing our Constitution and By-Laws to fit the present church’s context and situation in February 2025.
- We will hold our annual general meeting (AGM) Pastor’s 2025. The annual reports, namely the Pastor’s report, the Leadership Team’s report, and the Financial report will be available in February.
Let us pray for these 1st Quarter 2025 plans. Thank you.
Be a Part of our Task Roster
OBC is your church, and we warmly invite you to join our task roster.

Joining this roster is not just a commitment; it’s a chance for you to actively engage in worship and service, contributing to the vibrant life of our church community.
Please write your name on the rostering sheet on the table next to our tea area.
If you have any questions about the tasks that interest you or need further details, don’t hesitate to contact Bevan, our pastor, or anyone else for help. Your involvement makes a difference—thank you!
Join the church task roster where the only qualification is availability.
“Abundant Life” Bible Study 19 January at 1:00 PM

We are still at it! We will tackle Lesson 15 of our “Abundant Life” study session on Sunday, 19 January, at 1:00 PM.
Please come with your workbook (Lesson 15) filled out and be ready to participate in our learning session.
OBC is building a dynamic discipleship culture. Everyone is invited to join. Let us learn about God through His word.
Online Writing and Website Management Seminars
I am launching two training seminars for interested persons: Online Writing and Website Management. These seminars aim to develop people who can assist in publishing content for the church’s website.
The seminars are open to everyone interested. Please come to me to be enrolled. Then, we will meet to decide on the seminar date in January 2025.