In Part 3, I presented the third goal of the Ministry Appreciation and Participation Toolkit with Nehemiah 3 as the basis.
A Ministry Strategy for OBC Part 2
I am sharing the second part of our sermon series on Nehemiah and relating them to creating a ministry strategy for Oamaru Baptist Church.
A Ministry Strategy for OBC Part 1
This message is the first of the four parts of “A Ministry Strategy for OBC”, based on Nehemiah 2:11-20, delivered on 2 October 2022 at OBC.
Distinctives of a Lively Church
Ravi Musuku, President of the Baptist Churches of NZ, visited and preached at the Oamaru Baptist Church on 25 September 2022.
The T.A.O. Strategy
The sermon, “The TAO Strategy”, was delivered on 18 September 2022 as part of the “Renewal and Resolution Series” based on Nehemiah 2:11-20.