Baptist Church of Oamaru Living in Faithful Obedience to Jesus Christ Fri, 24 Jan 2025 21:46:20 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Baptist Church of Oamaru 32 32 208407238 Christmas Takeaways for the New Year Tue, 31 Dec 2024 01:59:37 +0000

Four days after celebrating Christmas Day and three more days before New Year’s Day, let us bring these critical takeaways as we start 2025.

Who doesn’t love takeaways? For those unfamiliar, a takeaway is where you can buy food to eat somewhere else or just the food you buy to take away. People love takeaways because they’re super convenient and usually cheaper than a sit-down restaurant. Fish and chips are the most popular takeaway food in NZ.

I am also thinking of the bountiful foods we prepared to celebrate Christmas, either on noche buena if you are Filipino or Hispanic, or on Christmas Day lunch, and sharing it as takeaways for family and friends who have joined us.

But that is as far as physical food is concerned. As the New Year comes, we must carry crucial takeaways to meet all the challenges that 2025 will bring.

Based on Matthew 2:1-12 narrative of the Magi’s visit to the Messiah, let us discover the lessons we must possess as we celebrate and live through the new year 2025.

  • The birth of Jesus Christ ignited fervour among the faithful community, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Messiah.
  • The time of Herod helps us figure out when Jesus was born. Jesus came into the world sometime before Herod the Great died, probably around 4 BC. The exact date of Jesus’ birth is still a bit of a mystery.
  • Wise men from the East came: These travellers are called wise men, derived from the ancient Greek term “magi.” There are many misconceptions and legends surrounding these individuals. They were not kings; instead, they were wise men and astronomers.
  • While it is commonly believed that there were only three of them, likely, there was a larger group. Furthermore, they probably did not visit the newborn on the night of his birth but several months later.
  • There was a strong expectation of the Messiah’s arrival among the Jews, yet the wise men realized they were among the few genuinely excited to find the newborn Messiah. There was a notable lack of enthusiasm in Jerusalem.

The dedication and bravery of the Magi from the East are extraordinary, considering the challenges of their journey and the dangers they faced while travelling. They left their comfort zones to seek and worship the newborn King, Jesus Christ.

In Matthew’s narrative, we have two character types who are insincere.

First, the chief priests and teachers of the law were aware of the prophecy regarding the birth of the king of the Jews (verses 5-6), yet they failed to recognise and accept that the Messiah had indeed been born.

This makes me reflect that there are Christians who are only Christians by name. These Christians have vast knowledge of the Bible but don’t have the capacity or refuse to follow what the Bible says. There are many Christians who are insincere in their faith, Christians in name but not by heart.

Second, Herod plotted to kill Jesus by pretending he wanted to worship him.  Ironically, Herod believed the prophecy, perhaps out of fear that the “king of the Jews has been born” and will replace him. Having been outwitted by the Wisemen, he ordered the massacre of children in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under (Matthew 2:16).

There are Christians who are like Herod; they believe in God’s prophecies but detest the thought of surrendering fully their lives to Him. Instead, it is their SELF that reigns in their hearts. These insincere Christians will not hesitate to cut off any Godly influence and leadership in their hearts, but they are satisfied to pretend to be Christians.

Let us be like the Wisemen who earnestly sought the born king of the Jews, followed his star when it rose, and worshipped Jesus when they found him.

I am presenting the four elements of the Magi’s devotion to Jesus, which we can follow.

The Magi followed the star of Jesus (or the Start of Bethlehem) as it seemingly persisted in its guiding role, appearing at pivotal moments along the Wisemen’s journey like an ethereal beacon in the night sky. Its initial glow graced them months prior, subtly steering their quest toward the broader region they sought.

Following this, their travels led them to the ancient city of Jerusalem, where they gathered vital knowledge and insights. As their search unfolded, the star reemerged, radiating luminous intensity to offer precise directions through the darkened paths ahead.

Its appearances were nothing short of a supernatural marvel, leaving them in awe of the divine guidance that seemed to transcend the ordinary realm of understanding.

The Star of Bethlehem is widely regarded as more than just a natural phenomenon, remaining a mystery that science has yet to unravel. This extraordinary light is described as leading the Magi from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, ultimately hovering directly above the location where Joseph and Mary were residing. Notably, no documented celestial event is known to follow such a specific and purposeful path.

Jesus Christ embodies God’s glory, which was revealed on earth 2,000+ years ago. In our devotion to God, we follow Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. The Wisemen exemplified the importance of seeking and following Jesus relentlessly.

The Wisemen were overjoyed (Matthew 2:10) – Overjoy means “to cause someone to feel extremely happy or joyful, or to fill someone with great joy.”

The Magi were overjoyed seeing the star “stopped over the place where the child was.”  Overjoy is a feeling when you think you are going nowhere or you are considering whether you are on the right track or not, and suddenly you see from afar something that assures you that you’re on the right path.

Overjoy is like driving the Central Otago’s “Pigroot” (or a few call it the “Pig Route”) for the first time. The name “Pigroot” applies to the section of SH85 between Palmerston and Ranfurly.

I have driven through the Pigroot many times, and during my first trip, I kept wondering when it would end. It feels disorienting to see the natural scenery until you ascend from the valley and see the towns dotting from the distance. That gave me an overjoyed feeling. 🙂

When the Magi saw the star settle over the place where the child Jesus was, they were so happy. At last, we know where the King is!

They bowed down and worshipped him (Matthew 2:11)

In verse 11, the arrival of the wise men at their home reveals that Joseph and Mary transitioned from the manger to a residence after Jesus’ birth. This suggests they remained in Bethlehem or nearby Jerusalem, allowing Mary to fulfil the 40 days of purification mandated by Jewish law.

Jesus is referred to as a young child, likely between 6 and 18 months old. Notably, the child is mentioned before the mother, contrary to custom, indicating that the child’s status as the Saviour takes precedence.

How did the Wiseman worship?

  • Bowed down –  (Gk pesontes) fall down;
  • Worshipped – (Gk prosekynēsan) prostrate oneself in homage;

Yes, they worshipped HIM (emphasis mine). The Magi did not worship Mary, Joseph, or the child with Mary and Joseph. They worshipped only him!

They worship in deep reverence by falling prostrate before the child King.

They gave generously to Jesus.

 Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

  • TREASURES – a storehouse for precious things;
  • GIFTS – many and not only one of each kind;

Because the Magi brought a storehouse of gifts, there is no way that only three of them travelled to find Jesus. I imagined the Magi bringing with them servants to carry and guard the treasures they got for the newborn King.

The valuable gifts were given directly to Jesus, not Mary or Joseph. While the infant Jesus did not use these gifts, Joseph and Mary, responsible and Godly parents, wisely used them for His benefit. Presumably, the family spent their gifts of gold as they went and lived in Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution.

We also practice generosity in our devotion to God. When we give to Jesus today, we channel it through the church to the people He called to serve, with the confidence that the leaders will use your gifts wisely on His behalf.

Let me briefly share my encounter with a fruit grower association leader from Hawke’s Bay on a plane from Auckland to Singapore, an 11-hour flight. I was in the middle seat, and he was in the aisle, meaning Jewel and I had to “bother” him whenever we went to the toilet.

When I introduced myself, that I’m a pastor and we’re on our way to attend a conference in Malaysia and hold a seminar in the Philippines, he said he’s a born-again Christian.

Then, he shared how God carried him, and co-farmers rose from Cyclone Gabrielle’s destruction to their region. He said that his faith and their church’s prayers and support encouraged him to lead the farmers despite their hopelessness and defeat by Cyclone Gabrielle’s devastations.

Severe Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle was a destructive tropical cyclone that devastated parts of the North Island of New Zealand and affected parts of Vanuatu and Australia in February 2023. It is the costliest tropical cyclone on record in the Southern Hemisphere, with total damage estimated to be NZ$14.5 billion (US$9.2 billion), of which NZ$3.18 billion (US$2 billion) are insurance losses. The cost of the cyclone in Hawke’s Bay alone was estimated to outstrip NZ$5 billion (US$3.17 billion).

Source: Wikipedia

You might ask what this testimony has to do with the “Christmas takeaways for the New Year” we’re talking about.

Isn’t it that unforgettable events, such as severe natural calamities, tend to be remembered and talked about for centuries?

I could imagine the wise men travelling leisurely on their journey back, feeling more at ease. They eagerly shared their transformative experiences with everyone they met, and, in every place, they rested for the night.

I can easily envision the Wisemen, surrounded by their families, servants, friends, and community, captivated by their compelling stories of encountering and worshipping the newborn King, Jesus Christ.

F.A.C.E.D. – Faith and commitment, Earnestness, and Devotion are the important Christmas takeaways we must always bring in 2025 and the many New Years to come.

Faith and commitment, Earnestness, and Devotion are the non-consumables and everlasting takeaways we carry along as we share our personal encounters and life experiences with Jesus Christ.

10 Successful Church Ministry Journey Reflections Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:43:12 +0000 As my closing reflections for last Sunday’s sermon, “Two Winning Factors in the Race Marked Out for Us”, I have composed ten reflections on a successful church ministry journey.

I derived these reflections from the two-year ministry journey we have embarked on since June 2022.

Oamaru sunset, as seen from the Holmes Wharf’s eastern end.
  1. Jesus Christ is the owner and head of the church. It is not ours. We are only stewards of God’s ministry. We are accountable to him.

  2. The church’s ministry is not a solitary endeavour by the pastor but a shared responsibility and accountability that we all bear together.

  3. Like anyone else, the pastor is limited and can only do some things. We must serve one another because we believe that the greatest in God’s Kingdom is the one who serves all.

  4. The church is not like a local business driven by the goal of monetary profit at the end of each year.

  5. As outlined in Acts 2:42, the church’s purpose is to teach Biblical doctrine, provide a venue for worship and fellowship, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and pray — driven by faith, hope, and love, with love as the greatest of the three.

  6. This purpose gives us a sense of belonging and significance in our shared journey and inspires and connects us to the heart of the church’s mission.

  7. Because love is patient, we are on a marathon, not a race. In a marathon, we train for it, pace ourselves, endure, and finish strong. This is how we will achieve the church’s goals.

  8. The success of God’s ministry does not rest solely on what the Pastor does for the local church but more on what the local church members do for themselves because pastors come and go, and the local church is the mainstay.

  9. As your Pastor, my role is to equip, guide, and empower you to serve the Master more and more.

  10. I am here to support you, to encourage you, and to walk alongside you in our journey of faith and works, ensuring you feel supported and empowered in your service to the Master.

Thank you, Oamaru Baptist Church for entrusting me with the role of your permanent pastor. With the help and guidance of God, and by working together, we aim to fulfil our potential for His glory and honour.

Team Castillon – Jonan, Jewel, and Jadyn

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Fresh Beginnings Around Us Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:11:44 +0000 As I shared last Sunday, the new year offers many fresh beginnings. All we need to do is look around and see these impending changes.

Let me share the outline of the sermon I delivered on Sunday, 4 February.

baptist church oamaru

I took this photo when we stopped at Shag Point’s southern end because of road works. I noticed the new house built on the hilltop. We were following a moving van. Someone or a family might be moving.

We visited Jadyn’s accommodation in Dunedin on 31 January. She begins university next week, a big, fresh start for us as a family.

Yes, there are many fresh beginnings around us. We only need to look around, observe, and ask, “What are the new things around?”

Jesus had impactful fresh beginnings in Galilee after his Baptism and when Herod arrested John.

  1. Jesus went to Galilee to start His itinerant ministry in that region to continue John’s ministry.
  2. Galilee offers a safer place for ministry.
  3. Jesus left Nazareth to live in Capernaum because
    • People rejected Jesus in his hometown (Luke 4:16-30)
    • Matthew and Peter live in Capernaum (Matthew 9:1-9; Matthew 8:14)
    • Fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy. (Isaiah 9:1-2)
  4. Jesus came to preach, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is near.”
  1. Jesus called, “Come, follow me.” (Matthew 4:19)
    • Brothers Simon (called Peter) and Andrew
    • Zebedee’s siblings, James and John
  2. His calling came to busy people.
    • Simon (Peter) and Andrew were casting a net into the lake (v.18)
    • James and John were in a boat preparing their nets (v. 21)
  3. The immediate response of these disciples is an excellent example to us.
  4. Following Jesus means leaving some things behind.
  1. Teaching in their synagogues (Matthew 4:23)
  2. Preaching (proclaiming the good news of the kingdom (v.23)
  3. Healing every disease and sickness among the people (v.23), as far as Syria (v.24)
  4. Large crowds followed him – people from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across Jordan. (v. 25)

A growing church always faces fresh beginnings, especially when we are deeply engaged in following our Master and Lord Jesus Christ.

Following what Jesus started in Galilee, we as a church or individuals must be able to preach the Gospel of repentance, make disciples, teach them to obey, and bring them to holistic healing in Jesus’ name.

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The Faithful, Indomitable, Noble, Hopeful, and Generous People of OBC Tue, 09 May 2023 07:38:42 +0000 As part of our “Faith-Wisdom Series”, this 7 May Sunday sermon continues the Mapping Oamaru Baptist Church’s Faith-Wisdom sermon I shared on 26 March.

Previously, I talked about OBC’s faith wisdom in 1883, 1889, 2008, and 2012, which led us to discover the church’s founding values.

  • steadfast faith,
  • indomitable courage,
  • noble vision,
  • hope, and
  • generosity

This message will discuss the faithful, indomitable, noble, hopeful and generous people of Oamaru Baptist Church and the faith-wisdom discovery map in the past three years.

ministry appreciation and participation toolkit

The flow chart above indicates that we are still on “Faith-Wisdom Discovery.” Next, we will tackle “Testimony Writing and Sharing.” All the tools we discuss and learn are integral to our church planning.

Basic Biblical Principle

faith-wisdom OBC

Between 1883 and 2023, Oamaru Baptist Church had many faith-wisdom waiting to be found.

The basic principle of faith-wisdom discovery is to search for and find God in all the events of the church’s life.

The faith-wisdom statement above is taken from the 1983 article “In Retrospect” on “Turning Back the Pages: Oamaru Baptist Church Centenary 1883-1983,” which mentions the founding values.

During all the years of its witness in Oamaru, the Church has been steadfastly loyal to the foundation principles of the Evangelical faith. The distinctive and historic Baptist witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the absolute authority of the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God, the freedom of the individual personality before God, and the right of all to freedom of conscience have been maintained with vigour and without compromise.

Today we thank God for those early pioneer members who, with indomitable courage, steadfast faith and sanctified vision, established the Baptist Cause in this town. We bless our God for every remembrance of them. ‘Their faith and their hopes we share as a glorious heritage. God grant that we prove worthy of the trust they have left us.

“Turning Back the Pages, Oamaru Baptist Church Centenary 1883-1983

Applying the faith-wisdom principles

The slide below shows some events in OBC’s life from 2020 to 2023. The listing is not exhaustive. I selected a few for illustration purposes only.

Now that we have listed the events, you may ask how we search for and find God in these events in OBC’s life over the last three years.

Remember the basic Biblical principle I showed earlier (Slide No. 3), found in James 1:22 and 1:26 and summarized by the phrase, “Faith without works is dead?”

As believers, the church continues to perpetuate works of faith because we have been born again in Jesus Christ.

The same faith moved the early pioneers, “who, with indomitable courage, steadfast faith and sanctified vision, established the Baptist Cause in this town.”

Looking at OBC’s Faith-Wisdom Discovery Map above and reflecting on the events listed from 2020 to 2023 takes us to two questions.

  • One is hypothetical. Could those who left have stayed if they knew of OBC’s faith-wisdom statement?
  • The other question is reflective. Now that you know OBC’s faith-wisdom statement, how does it impact your commitment to be part of OBC?

As I have mentioned in my previous explanation, faith-wisdom discovery must lead to the formation of a mission statement.

So, based on the faith-wisdom statement, we create a mission statement needed in planning programs for the church.

Oamaru Baptist Church must plan and implement programs that teach, train, and track the founding values of every member (dynamic discipleship).

  • steadfast faith,
  • indomitable courage,
  • noble vision,
  • hope, and
  • generosity
Proclaiming God’s Righteousness – The Triumphal Entry of Jesus Sun, 02 Apr 2023 05:59:34 +0000
baptist church oamaru lent

John 12:12-19

We are celebrating the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem once again.

It is well-known as “Palm Sunday” because when Jesus rode on to Jerusalem, people carrying palm leaves, some waving and others spreading along the ground, greeted him.

To be exact, it was John who specified that “they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him” (John 12:13). Matthew (21:8) and Mark (11:8) mentioned that the people got leafy branches of trees Luke only said “cloaks” that the people spread on the road as Jesus entered Jerusalem (Luke 19:36).

Whether you would like to call it “Palm Sunday” or “Cloaks and Branches Sunday” is not the focus of our reflection.

Here, we see Jesus proceeding on a critical mission to enter Jerusalem.

Jesus proclaimed the righteousness of God.

Jesus entered enemy territor Word was out that anyone who would see Jesus must report to the priestly authorities so that they would arrest Jesus.

Jerusalem was the seat of the religious hierarch Jesus pushed through because God called upon him to proclaim His righteousnes Where is righteousness fitting to be declared than among unrighteous people?


It begins when we have been put right with God from within ourselves.


Romans 3:21-31 explains how we have been put right with God in Jesus Christ.

Yes, God makes us right by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Roman 3:22 points out:

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And h s is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.


And because we have experienced the righteousness of God, we aren’t comfortable seeing unrighteousness done before us.

We become restless and can only relax when we have proclaimed what is right. 

What hinders us from seeking and proclaiming God’s righteousness?

However, some of us tend to only focus on seeking the “Kingdom of God” but aren’t keen on finding and proclaiming “His righteousness”, as the first statement in Matthew 6:33 mentions.

I have thought of three things that hinder us from seeking and proclaiming God’s righteousness.

1. Proclaiming God’s righteousness puts us outside of our comfort zone

Seeking and proclaiming God’s righteousness will not only take us out of our comfort zone, but most of us dread the thought that we would make others uncomfortable.

Yes, we are uncomfortable thinking that our proclamation will cause others to be uncomfortable.

Our thinking would be like…we have everything we need and live in a peaceful and secure community; why should we bother?

2. The world and some believers accuse us that we aren’t righteous enough

“Oh, let us leave them alone because we too are sinners” is the statement that Christians often hear discouraging Christians from speaking what is right and just before God.

Going through the triumphal entry narrative in Luke 19:28-44, we read in verses 36 and 37 that…

When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Then some of the Pharisees in the crowd told Jesus to rebuke His disciples, but Jesus replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” (vs. 39-40).

Not everyone in the crowd of disciples is righteous enough based on the Pharisees’ standard (or on the world’s standard), for they told Jesus to rebuke His disciples.

The Lord Jesus Christ didn’t stop them from proclaiming God’s righteousness.

It’s not the world or some ignorantly righteous persons who call the shot when it comes to who would proclaim God’s righteousness. Only Jesus Christ!

3. We are compromising and serving two masters

A lot of us today are what we call TIRED AND WEARY Christians. What causes it is “SIN. 

The most tiresome part of sin is when the Christian compromises. TO BE LUKEWARM is the most tiresome thing to a faithful Christian. 

Serving two masters will eventually wear us out.

We cannot serve both God and money, Jesus said. We must serve the one and only Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Paul tells us to take off all that hinders our race.

Therefore, since such a great cloud of witnesses surrounds us, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

(Hebrews 12:1-3)

He also exhorts us not to conform anymore to the pattern of this world but be transformed by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).

How can Jesus’ triumphal entry lead us to our triumph?

I want to close this sermon with some reflections on the relevance of the triumphal entry of Jesus to our present situation.

1. Let us welcome the Lord in our “Jerusalem.”

Remember, when we read Acts 1:8, where “Jerusalem” is mentioned, we would interpret it as starting our witness in our place “Jerus lem” could be our hearts, homes, and families.

I don’t know if your culture has this saying: “Clean your backyard first before cleaning the backyard of others.”

Then we have Jesus Christ saying in Matthew 7:5, “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

Therefore, let us welcome the Lord Jesus Christ into our own “Jerusalem”, but unlike the people in Jesus’ time who received him with external objects (palm leaves, leafy branches, and cloaks), let us welcome him with all our hearts, mind, and soul.

2. A grim reminder – If we choose to remain silent, “the stones will cry out”.

Okay, I may appear like a doomsday prophet ere. Som theologians will challenge my statement based on a deeper hermeneutical basis.

My reflection is a simple analogy here. As I’ve mentioned, many church people are satisfied with seeking His Kingdom but not keen on seeking His righteousness.

Not many are proclaiming the righteousness of God because it’s easy to raise and clap hands in worship, recite our prayers, sing and shout praises, and play the instruments within the comfort of the church.

It wasn’t a long time ago when the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and their uncertainties caused us to be more prayerful, more trusting and more dependent on God’s grace and mercy.

I recalled that during the height of the pandemic when the number of positive cases and deaths were announced, I saw a flood of posts on social media channels (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mix, etc.) about the righteousness of God.

Still, I can confidently say that God’s people calling out to God, showing kindness, and encouraging one another in this pandemic have become exponentially more viral than the coronavirus.

A virus, a microscopic non-living organism like a non-living stone, has caused God’s people to proclaim His righteousness louder than ever before.

As we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem, let us once again shout with louder voices starting within our own “Jerusalem”:

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Mapping Oamaru Baptist Church’s Faith-Wisdom Tue, 28 Mar 2023 00:00:14 +0000
faith-wisdom discovery mapping
faith wisdom discovery
faith wisdom discovery
faith wisdom discovery
faith wisdom discovery
Mapping the Apostle Paul’s Faith Wisdom Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:36:32 +0000
faith-wisdom discovery mapping
faith-wisdom discovery

Read the details of this illustration by click on this link –> 3 Meaningful Life Lessons from a Boy Scout Orienteering Course

faith-wisdom discovery
faith-wisdom discovery
faith-wisdom discovery
faith-wisdom discovery
faith-wisdom discovery
faith-wisdom discovery
Wisdom, Faith, and Obeying God Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:15:20 +0000 By Malcolm Lucas
baptist church oamaru wisdom

My message for today is to deal with the subject of WISDOM in relation to our faith, and this, of course, is linked to Obeying God. Wisdom is what we all try to seek in our lives. 

Wisdom is defined as “The ability to recognise right from wrong” (Discernment).

So, who is regarded in scripture as one of the wisest men – who could I choose? 

There are so many wise people to choose from, and then the name of SOLOMON leapt into my mind as during his rule, he was regarded as one of the wisest leaders of his time.

I feel I must say this before I commence – this will not be a history lesson – that’s just to put your minds at rest because I want to emphasise the importance of WISDOM hand in hand with FAITH.

OK, let’s get to it. As they used to say on a children’s programme on BBC Radio, “Are you sitting comfortably, good then I’ll begin”.

1 KINGS 4 VSS 29 -34

God gave Solomon wisdom, great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. 

Solomon’s wisdom was more significant than the men of the East and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. He was wiser than Heman, Calcol and Dorda, the sons of Mahol.  And his fame spread to all the surrounding nations.

(Here are a few hints for those interested in memorising scriptural verses!)

He spoke 3000 Proverbs, and his songs numbered a thousand and five. He described plant life, from the Cedar of Lebanon to the Hyssop that grows out of the walls. 

He taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world who had heard of his wisdom.

His Biblical writing included PSALM 72 and THE BOOKS ECCLESIASTES AND THE SONGS OF SOLOMON. He was, in short, a very busy King.

The Bible tells us that Wisdom is only effective when it is implemented.

But how do we use wisdom – how do we recognise it? 

It seems that Solomon, who had asked for wisdom to be a good ruler, left it too late – through his sealing a pact with Egypt by marrying Pharoah’s daughter, she was the first of hundreds of wives, by the way, because politically, this was the thing to do in his perception!  

Against all advice, Solomon ignored not only his father’s last words but also God’s DIRECT COMMANDS.

A case in point here is that Solomon’s actions remind us of how easy it is to know what is right and yet not do it! 

I’m sure we are all aware of this in our personal lives when the natural, not the spiritual, take over!

He was the King chosen to lead God’s nation. Still, he failed to get his priorities right because he charged his people excessive taxes and overworked them with the result that his people were none too pleased with him and, as the Bible states, ‘were gradually alienated from him’, yet people still came from far and wide to admire this King. He drafted people into forced labour and forced military service.


Success in this world is not permanent, and if we don’t have the wisdom to balance out what our goals are, our relationship with God is on the wrong track; we are to be blunt on a hiding to nothing!

EVERYTHING HINGES ON A RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, AND DUE TO SOLOMON’S DISOBEDIENCE, it wasn’t until later in his life that he learned his lesson through REPENTANCE. Let us not forget that Solomon was responsible for building the temple in Jerusalem.

NOW READ:  Luke Chapter 2, verses 41 – 52

The KEY to Jesus’ experience is that he kept increasing his WISDOM AND STATURE in favour with God and men. The more he read, listened, learned and PRAYED, Jesus’s wisdom INCREASED.

Imagine Mary and Joseph had taken a trip to Jerusalem as it was The Passover and had travelled there by ‘caravan’; from all accounts, there were thieves that would attack people who were travelling on their own, so a traveller was safer in an organised and large group. Well, there he was amongst all the learned teachers in the Synagogue, listening to them and asking questions.

He was 12 years of age 12! There was this young boy, The Son of God, who later became a carpenter soaking up all the information God wanted him to learn. With commitment and dedication, he eventually preached the word of God and worked miracles and even defeated Death.

Now, what questions should we be asking ourselves?

Are we listening to God when we know what we should be doing, but DO WE DO IT?

Like Solomon, we have successes and positives, but these are temporary. If we don’t hand it all to God, those temporary situations turn into negatives in our lives.

A Personal Admission:

How many of us go our own way? I did when I was young.  

A Jolly Jack, my hearty – didn’t really want to know about what I had been brought up with. I remember referring to those cliques I had seen in churches over the years, and God got shoved aside. We can’t blame God for human behaviour when we know what road to take!

There was a young Lieutenant who knew I had come from a Christian family. He formed a prayer and study group – five of us, on my first ship, HMS GAMBIA – and eventually, a year later, in Singapore, instead of going to the local Sembawang bar I used to visit, I found myself joining a Naval Christian Fellowship which I attended recommended by a Christian Commander and it was great – officers and men all believing the WORD OF GOD. 

And, of course, later in my service, whilst based ashore for a year, I met Val, the only Christian girl on her ‘messdeck’ – she was in the Women’s Royal Naval Service! See the Pattern? God never let me go! He won’t if you search for HIM!

I expect I’ve mentioned this before, but when I was on my first ship, there was a Scottish Colour Sargent, Royal Marines, who I was told by a pal of mine ‘got religion’. 

Some years later, at our church in Conway North Wales, the visiting preacher was a familiar face – it was good old Jock, our old Colour Sargent! 

It made my day – You see, God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.

Malcolm delivered this message during the 5 March worship-service at Oamaru Baptist Church.

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2023 is Another Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ Sun, 01 Jan 2023 06:06:20 +0000 new year 2023

Text: Acts 2:1-4; 42-47

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly, a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer.43 Everyone was awed at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day, they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the people’s favour. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

If there is one great year in human history that I can point at is the year when our Lord was:

  1. crucified;
  2. rose on the 3rd day;
  3. ascended to heaven;
  4. the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was a tremendously explosive event that jumped started the great year of the Lord, manifested through the establishment of the Christ believers’ church.

Using these events in the life of the Apostles, let me now come up with specific events in the life of Oamaru Baptist Church that will allow us to make 2023 another Great Year of our Lord.

  1. Devote ourselves to the teaching of Jesus Christ, worship, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer.
  2. Give to anyone who has need. I see here a holistic giving, where the church responds to the material and spiritual needs of the people.

One big challenge remains:  How can we experience what the apostles experienced: “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

You see that the Pentecost event in the life of the apostles led to the start of the Christian church. 

In verse 47, we read, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” This was about AD 33

This year, 2023, let us pray that the Lord God will use Oamaru Baptist Church tremendously for His work. Let us pray that this will be each church member’s passion and desire.

I wonder how many of us took the time to watch the fireworks that customarily mark the start of the New Year at midnight (00:00 AM) today?

This means going to the fireworks display spot, finding parking, and walking to the nearest vantage point to view the fireworks.

With most of the town’s people wanting to see the fireworks display, you will find yourself moving through the crowds of people who have been there many hours before you arrived.

Or perhaps you have watched it for decades that you can’t be bothered. Maybe, the most you can do is turn on your TV screen and watch the fireworks from the Auckland Sky Tower.

I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit, the explosion that kindled the start of the Christian mission, is still present today.

The Holy Spirit is the ever-glowing, ever-luminous, ever-attractive fire that gives life to the church. Devoting our time to the ministry of God through His church provides meaning to our being followers of Jesus Christ.

Does the radiance of the Holy Spirit and the tremendous “fireworks” it created on that Pentecostal day still attract us to devote ourselves to His teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer?

2023 will be another excellent year for our Lord Jesus Christ if we remain attracted to the Holy Spirit’s brilliance as the yearly New Year’s fireworks do.

As long as we devote ourselves to making this yet another year of our Lord, we will always overcome as the Lord Jesus has overcome the world for us.

Happy New Year!

How to Celebrate Christmas Daily Sun, 25 Dec 2022 09:02:37 +0000 Soon the season’s festivities are over, and Christmas trees and decorations will be dismantled and tucked away.

Is Christmas a season or a one-day affair only? How can we celebrate Christmas daily? Read this Christmas Day message.

“Merry Christmas” is the most uttered phrase or greeting each Christmas season, spoken an infinite number of times by people worldwide.

For many, the peak of the Christmas celebration is on 25th December. Our greeting of one another seems to intensify as Christmas Day comes. We love to celebrate Christmas, aren’t we?

However, we all know that all the Christmas decorations won’t stay throughout the year. They will all be gone as soon as the New Year starts.

Late last night, we took the time to go around Oamaru town proper to see the Christmas lights and decorations. The town’s giant Christmas tree looks grand and beautiful, but this tree will indeed be dismantled eventually.

If we love celebrating Christmas and want to honour Jesus Christ, we should face the challenge of celebrating Christmas daily.

Imagine if we are indeed to celebrate Christmas Day every day with the way the world is doing it.

Keeping and maintaining the decorations and lights will be very expensive. Not only those, but you will also prepare Christmas lunch every day.

Indeed, it is impossible to celebrate Christmas every day this way.

How to celebrate Christmas every day?

Let the exhortation of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:3-11 guide us.

Don’t let selfishness and prideful agendas take over. Embrace true humility, and lift your heads to extend love to others. Get beyond yourselves and protecting your own interests; be sincere, and secure your neighbors’ interests first.

In other words, adopt the mind-set of Jesus the Anointed. Live with His attitude in your hearts. Remember:

Though He was in the form of God,
    He chose not to cling to equality with God;
But He poured Himself out to fill a vessel brand new;
    a servant in form
    and a man indeed.
The very likeness of humanity,
He humbled Himself,
    obedient to death—
    a merciless death on the cross!
So God raised Him up to the highest place
    and gave Him the name above all.
10 So when His name is called,
    every knee will bow,
    in heaven, on earth, and below.
11 And every tongue will confess
    “Jesus, the Anointed One, is Lord,”
    to the glory of God our Father!


Yes, every day, let us keep the humble spirit, acknowledging that all we are and all we have are because of God’s overflowing and never-ceasing mercies and grace.

Embrace authentic humility and lift your head to extend love to others.

Are you ready to break your seasonal celebration of Christmas by shifting from symbolic giving to total sacrificial giving, as Jesus has done?

It’s easy to give gifts on Christmas, but it’s very challenging to go out of your comfort zone, “pour out” yourself and be involved in uplifting the quality of life of your fellowmen throughout the year.

Take your Christian service to the next level by actively serving humanity and for the glory of God.

Celebrating Christmas daily requires a lifelong commitment. It doesn’t stop on 25th December and only resumes next year’s Christmas season again.

Jesus Christ’s example is “becoming obedient to death.”

I hope Christmas isn’t just the highlight of our holiday season, nor one of the statutory holidays to meet and celebrate with family and friends.

May our celebration and excitement about Christmas won’t falter nor die down.

May our greeting one another “Merry Christmas” and giving gifts to our children, loved ones, and friends lead to our recognising and achieving the more significant challenge of celebrating Christmas daily, as long as we live and until He comes.

As God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, may all people at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11 paraphrase mine)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
