Four days after celebrating Christmas Day and three more days before New Year’s Day, let us bring these critical takeaways as we start 2025.
10 Successful Church Ministry Journey Reflections
I have composed 10 reflections on a successful church ministry journey. I derived these reflections from the two-year ministry journey we have embarked on since June 2022.
Fresh Beginnings Around Us
The new year offers many fresh beginnings. All we need to do is look around and see these impending changes.
The Faithful, Indomitable, Noble, Hopeful, and Generous People of OBC
This message presents Oamaru Baptist Church’s faith-wisdom discovery map and how to use it to create a mission statement for church planning.
Proclaiming God’s Righteousness – The Triumphal Entry of Jesus
As we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem, let us once again shout with louder voices starting within our own “Jerusalem.”