OBC NEWS 8 SEPTEMBER – Can we also declare David’s Psalm 139:14 praise for the church as also “fearfully and wonderfully made”?
Baptist Church Oamaru
Ministry Reflections, Ladies’ High Tea, August Preaching Roster, Photos
OBC NEWS 4 AUGUST – I composed ten reflections on a successful church ministry journey from the two-year ministry journey since June 2022.
10 Successful Church Ministry Journey Reflections
I have composed 10 reflections on a successful church ministry journey. I derived these reflections from the two-year ministry journey we have embarked on since June 2022.
Moving Forward, Weekly Memo, Pastor’s Commissioning, Preaching Roster, Giving
OBC NEWS 21 JULY – So that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).
The Black Shirt, Youth and Prayer, Moving to Oamaru, Events, Testimonies
OBC NEWS 9 JUNE – Listen to God for He knows our needs and takes care of our tomorrow. Let us see the new thing that God is doing for us.