OBC News 10 June 2023 – Heartful commitment is needed because we serve the Lord Jesus Christ and not man. Read our latest church newsletter.
Baptist Church Oamaru
Drive and Strive, OBC Year 1, Shared Lunch, Reminders, Prayer, Hui
OBC Newsletter 3 June 2023 – Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Strive to Serve and Glorify.
Supervision Support, Testimonies, Youth, Prayers, Regional Hui, Sermons
OBC NEWSLETTER 19 MAY 2023 – Meeting pastors and hearing their experiences assures me, I am part of a broader community in God’s vineyard.
Happy Mother’s Day! Thank You for All that You Have Done
We honour our mothers with much thanksgiving for bearing and nurturing us all. We cherish them for their enduring love. Happy Mother’s Day!
The Faithful, Indomitable, Noble, Hopeful, and Generous People of OBC
This message presents Oamaru Baptist Church’s faith-wisdom discovery map and how to use it to create a mission statement for church planning.