OBC Newsletter 26 November 2022. Our rootedness founded in Jesus Christ will sustain us through all the seasons. We thank you, Almighty God!
Sunday School Restarts, Christmas Around the World, Reminders, Carolling Practice
OBC Newsletter 18 November 2022. Make bitterness a season of testing, a vital ingredient towards spiritual growth and maturity.
Armistice, Special Meeting, OBC is Growing, Christmas Events, Reminders
OBC Newsletter 11 November 2022. As a church, we need to have a noble and good heart, listen and retain his word, and persevere to produce fruit.
A Ministry Strategy for OBC Part 3
In Part 3, I presented the third goal of the Ministry Appreciation and Participation Toolkit with Nehemiah 3 as the basis.
A Ministry Strategy for OBC Part 2
I am sharing the second part of our sermon series on Nehemiah and relating them to creating a ministry strategy for Oamaru Baptist Church.