As my closing reflections for last Sunday’s sermon, “Two Winning Factors in the Race Marked Out for Us”, I have composed ten reflections on a successful church ministry journey.
I derived these reflections from the two-year ministry journey we have embarked on since June 2022.

- Jesus Christ is the owner and head of the church. It is not ours. We are only stewards of God’s ministry. We are accountable to him.
- The church’s ministry is not a solitary endeavour by the pastor but a shared responsibility and accountability that we all bear together.
- Like anyone else, the pastor is limited and can only do some things. We must serve one another because we believe that the greatest in God’s Kingdom is the one who serves all.
- The church is not like a local business driven by the goal of monetary profit at the end of each year.
- As outlined in Acts 2:42, the church’s purpose is to teach Biblical doctrine, provide a venue for worship and fellowship, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and pray — driven by faith, hope, and love, with love as the greatest of the three.
- This purpose gives us a sense of belonging and significance in our shared journey and inspires and connects us to the heart of the church’s mission.
- Because love is patient, we are on a marathon, not a race. In a marathon, we train for it, pace ourselves, endure, and finish strong. This is how we will achieve the church’s goals.
- The success of God’s ministry does not rest solely on what the Pastor does for the local church but more on what the local church members do for themselves because pastors come and go, and the local church is the mainstay.
- As your Pastor, my role is to equip, guide, and empower you to serve the Master more and more.
- I am here to support you, to encourage you, and to walk alongside you in our journey of faith and works, ensuring you feel supported and empowered in your service to the Master.
Thank you, Oamaru Baptist Church for entrusting me with the role of your permanent pastor. With the help and guidance of God, and by working together, we aim to fulfil our potential for His glory and honour.
Team Castillon – Jonan, Jewel, and Jadyn